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An Itch in Time

Elmer Fudd is laughing while lounging in his easy chair and reading his comic book, his dog nearby, sleeping comfortably in front of the fireplace. All is peaceful until a flea comes bouncing by, dressed in a farmerstype outfit with a big straw hat, and carrying a satchel inscribed Anthony Flea also known as A. Flea. Pulling out his telescope and spotting the dog, he whistles and screams in excitement before beginning to sing Food Around the Corner, which become a recurring theme throughout the cartoon. The flea then begins to find a suitable portion of the dog for him to eat or work on, which in turn causes the dog to scratch and bite the flea. Elmer soon notices this and threatens to give the dog a bath if he witnesses him scratching again, which the dog promises not to do.The flea continues searching for meat and uses pickaxes, jackhammers and even explosives while the dog tries to withstand the suffering pain, but finally yelps and runs around. Elmer then advances on the dog, grasps him, and carries him to the bathroom. However, the flea manages to get on Elmer, causing him to scratch, and the dog proceeds to carry Elmer and give him a bath. He promptly slips on a soap bar on the floor and lands in the kitchen sink. The flea soon carries the two away on a plate, labelled as a Blue Plate special the sight being enough to cause Elmers cat to commit suicide. ........

Source: Wikipedia